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Developing Players with two footed power who can pick and hit their spot.

Shooting the ball with both feet, showing power and accuracy, is the essential skill of forward play. Without this skill any positioning, timing, speed and agility that a player possess will be undermined through a lack of finishing.

The players must attack from all sides of the goal. They must deal with a moving ball and generate power with increasing accuracy.

The player should make all decisions about technique, start position, striking foot choice etc. The constraints will guide them to convergent solutions without insisting on a single 'perfect' technique. Most notably very young players will tend to toe punt the shot in order to generate power. If it consistently hits the net what is the problem with this solution?

White grade.

  • Score a 5/10 shots (5 strikes with each foot, preceding touch can be either foot).

  • The ball must be off the ground when it hits the net.

  • Shots to be taken from each of the start positions. Complete all positions twice.

  • Players can choose the order of start positions and shooting foot, but must do 5L and 5R

  • Goal and penalty box size is based on age and local FA regulations

Subsequent Colour grade progressions.

The players must demonstrate increasing levels of success and accuracy while maintaining power. The ball will come to them at different directions, heights and speeds until at Black grade they must nominate which goal 1/4 before hitting it 8/10 times with each foot.

Challenge Game

  • Play round the clock like basketball.

  • Both players start on the right hand side of the goal, Shoot as per their grade.

  • If they score they move to the next position if they miss their partner takes a turn.

  • Shoot right on right and left on left side of goal. At the D they take two shots one with R and one with L foot,

  • First player to finish all six wins.

Top tip

Allow the players to collect their balls from the goal randomly. This will produce bodies in the box that the other shooters must avoid in order to score. Obviously coach the players about how to judge the danger of getting hit by a ball.