Learning Theories

The Seven Skills Challenges have been constructed on the basis of recognised learning theories. The purpose of this is to ensure that people understand that whilst the Challenges are 'my solution' they are also built on solid foundations.

This section is also included in order to move the conversation of coaching beyond "I played for ..." Or "We won the cup 20 times." Whilst personal expertise and a track record of success are vital elements of top coaches they are far less relevant at the grass roots level. Here it is much more important to know how to structure learning so that it will be most effective, as is how to measure the impact of ones coaching interventions beyond the score-board assessment. 

The researcher John Hattie has famously demonstrated that if you want young people to progress in any subject, all you need is a pulse, so progress is not a measure of successful coaching.

Coach education has for too long ignored the truth that what is going on is teaching and learning. This is now beginning to change. This is my nod to the learning theories that have most influenced me in the design of the Challenges.